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It's difficult to find much memorabilia from the Filmation live-action sci-fi shows. As far as I can tell, none of them got domestic releases on VHS (and if I'm wrong, please let me know - and send scans!).
Space Academy did get some action figures (again, I'd love some good pix), and
Jason Of Star Command did get one
tie-in kid's novel (which I hope to have on my shelf before the end of the week - but that's about it. They came and went just too damned fast for any real exploitation by toymakers and other licensors. As far as I know, all that
Ark II got was a
Halloween costume... and a Swedish VHS release.
What a shame. Can you imagine how cool model kits of the Ark II, Seeker, Space Academy, or Drago's Dragonship would have been? Or a Ark II vehicle toy with action figures of Jonah, Ruth, Samuel and Adam so you could reenact their post-Apocalyptic adventures in your backyard?
Anyway, the colorful artwork for that Swedish videotape appears above. Oddly, there are no good shots of the Ark II itself on the video sleeve; apparently the jetpack - and Roamer - were considered more of a selling point.
Space Academy figure ad...
"Space Academy did get some action figures (again, I'd love some good pix)..."
Your pix, sir...
(the geek Jim Rockford)
Would have loved to have had Ark II toys. I still watch the DVD fairly often. Keep hoping my kids will like it too, but that hasn't happened yet.