Monday, July 27, 2015

Rainier Beer "Fresh Gordon" TV Spot (1978)

This 1978 commercial for Rainier Beer manages to "homage" 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Wars (dig that oh-so-close background music in the cantina) and Flash Gordon... and stars the original Flash, Buster Crabbe, as "Fresh Gordon."

Only in the 1970s.


  1. That is GREAT. I remember the series of Ranier ads featuring the "R-heads" (a takeoff on the Coneheads, naturally), but I don't think I ever saw this one...

  2. I think I saw this on one of those blooper/variety shows that were popular back in the '80s. Wasn't there another commercial featuring a Star Wars-type bar with Caroline Munro as the bartender?

  3. "Wasn't there another commercial featuring a Star Wars-type bar with Caroline Munro as the bartender?"

    Yep. Right here.

    1. Thanks for that! I probably remembered it from this fine blog.

  4. I grew up in the Seattle area and always remember these commercials being the talk of the school yard. We even got to take a grade school trip to the brewery, something that would never fly these days.

  5. They also reference Close Encounters at the end - that's what that little tune they hum is supposed to be!
