Friday, August 10, 2012

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (1978) Mattel Viper Launch Station

Maybe it doesn't have a cool jingle like the Cylon Bubble Machine, but I really wish I had had one of these.


  1. I did have one of those and it wasn't quite as exciting as it looked. Never fired properly

  2. I like how they prominently display the 6 rubber bands at the end of the commercial.

  3. I had one of those too. And yes, the little hooks that held the rubber bands in place (and were supposed to release the vipers when the trigger was pulled) never really stayed locked. The vipers would shoot off almost immediately, whether or not you were ready.

    I ended up using the vipers and launch bay themselves as just toys, and had a lot more fun than trying to launch them out of the thing. The launch bay sort of looked like a space carrier itself.

  4. I have to agree. Didnt fire right and fell apart real easy. Was very disappointed in it. Was a waste of a good Birthday present.

    Having said that it would be cool to have one to sit on my Battlestar shelf now...

  5. My best friend had it and we played with it all the time. It worked great for us!

  6. I love this toy by Mattel Chris but I never saw it in the stores back in 1978-79??

  7. Like with Glen and his best friend, mine worked just fine. I still had it until Katrina ate the joint. However, one of the Vipers survived (must have been Starbuck.)

    And has anyone else noticed the similarities between the back part of the Launch Station and the Draconia from Buck Rogers?

    (just sayin')

    1. The design of the back reminds me of Starbird.

    2. Same designer designed both ships-it's that simple.

  8. Loved Mattel's Galactica toy line. I still have the original missile firing Viper and Cylon Raider. The prototypes of Mattel's large toy of the Galactica itself are truly awesome.

  9. I would have given ANYTHING to have a Mattel Landram.

    Not because they're so rare and expensive now (not released in the US originally..), but besides the Viper and Shuttle, was the coolest land vehicle I had known..

    I'd be eyeing the huge proposed Galactica ship now as well, if it had gone past prototypes and was actually made.

  10. My friends had these. I've found an ad for a Galactica Jacket that we could have worn whilst playing with our BSG toys. I've scanned and uploaded here; feel free to use:

