It's a weird one, no doubt - resembling a Teutonic sex farce produced by Gerry Anderson. Of course, Anderson had nothing to do with it, but the presence of Space: 1999 designer Keith Wilson certainly contributes to the resemblance.
In fact, so far, it's Wilson's designs, the Old School miniature effects and funky 70s musical score that appeal to me the most. That, and recognizing the exterior Black Park forest locations from all the great Hammer Films gothics (the show was shot at Hammer's Bray Studios home, too).
I keep reading that show re-used Space: 1999 sets and props, but I've seen no evidence of that myself (yet). Would Anderson/Lew Grade actually have let 1999 stuff be rented out, especially when they were still planning a second season/series? Would they really have schlepped sets from Pinewood over to Bray? (Of course, as a Yank, I have no idea where those two studios are, geographically speaking, in relation to each other.) Not knowing the answers to those questions, I still suspect that people are just recognizing the very distinct hand of Wilson in both shows' design. Of course, as I see more episodes, I may have to revise that opinion.
The show consists of 13 half-hour episodes, so it shouldn't take me long to get through them. Look for a review one of these days (hopefully, right after I finally post my promised Invisible Man article).
I have never heard of the show? Chris looks very good
ReplyDeleteIt aired in England in '76-'77, and in parts of Europe, but never aired in the U.S. as far as I know (unless it showed up on some PBS channels in the 80s or something).
ReplyDeleteI only know about it because Starlog mentioned it occasionally back in the Seventies.
Cool thanks Chris. not to change the topic but I have the Third and Last RARA Biosonic Six Million Dollar Man Kenner 1978 Mint in Box Chris if you ever need Pictures to post it on your Blog please let me know
DeleteIt aired in the US, at least in the New York market on one of the secondary channels. Not sure how many episodes it lasted, but I recall seeing 3-4 at least.
DeleteSTAR MAIDENS did air in the US in syndication. I saw it on the same local channel that aired SPACE:1999 in the 1970s.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mike. It must have aired in only a very few markets, because I couldn't find any solid info on it in my Googling.
DeleteI haven't watched it enough to spot things, but i do know that consoles & props from Anderson's "UFO" turned up in Tommorow People & Doctor Who (they wound up in a "rent a prop" warehouse) so that might be a more likely source
ReplyDeleteI've seen those UFO panels in Doctor Who, too - but not until well after Anderson's show went off the air. As 1999 was gearing up for a second series when Maidens was made, I just have a harder time imagining that Portman Prods. could have gotten their hands on any of the ITC's stuff....
ReplyDeleteBut, hey, I wasn't there, so I might be wrong.
I really enjoyed Star Maidens a few years back on DVD. Yes, it's cheesy and a bit cheap but it's full of imagination. I have absolutely no recollection of its original broadcast even though I was a UK-based science fiction-devouring kid at the time.
ReplyDeleteChris, you'll love Blakes 7 and not just because it shares a lead actor with Star Maidens (Gareth Thomas). Just try the first season and prepare to have your world rocked!
For Myself I found the Earth bound episodes less appealing than the ones set more on and about Medusa. Still love the series.
ReplyDeleteThe main connections to "Space:1999" ( besides Keith Wilson ) are the presence of Liza Harrow and Judy Geeson, both of whom guested on "1999" in year one, and a lot of sound effects used in both series.
ReplyDeleteI adored Keith Wilson's work in "Space:1999" but here it's obvious he was working with a budget of a couple of Deutchmarks and a shilling. Be sure to look for the hand weapons modified from spray bottle nozzles.
A friend of mine in England copied these for me several years ago, but I only made it through two-thirds of the series before I lost interest. The acting is generally only so-so, the stories are silly and sexist, the sets look like cardboard and the costumes are ludicrous ( I won't even mention the terrible FX...well, I guess I just did ).
I guess it does have it's charms in a "B-Movie" sort of way, but it just didn't hold my interest. I guess I should give it a go again, someday.
Remember who you're talking to here, Dep - I own and watch The Starlost on DVD. I write glowing paeans to Starcrash and admit to enjoying The Shape Of Things To Come. Next to all of those, Star Maidens doesn't look half-bad, does it?
DeleteClearly, I'm a hopeless case. Just look at this silly blog!
Acting is so so?
DeleteOne of the leading actors of Star Maidens, Pierre Brice is a huge superstar in Germany.
Every german knows Piere Brice, I mean it, absolutely every german.
Btw, he is french.
They have landed on Facebook...
Star Maidens was excellent Gareth Thomas wa sace as Shem