Monday, March 24, 2014


Here's another cool cover from a December '79 issue of the British kid's mag, Look-In, featuring the cast of 1979's Star Trek: The Motion Picture. I'm not sure who the artist is - it may be the work of Look-In regular (and acclaimed film poster artist) Arnaldo Putzu, but somehow it doesn't quite look like his style to me.Of course, I could be wrong, and if I am, it won't be long before someone lets me know.


  1. What a cool image. That cover really takes me back. Thanks Mr. Mills, Great Find!

  2. La la la la la Look-In! Not sure why this ITV magazine was plugging a show on the BBC, but I suppose the film was fair game for any publication wanting to cash in. I got my first glimpse of Star Trek: TMP on the BBC's Swap Shop, it was the clip where they go through some kind of space warp. That was appropriate because Swap Shop did a regular Star Trek spoof called Swap Trek, newsreader John Craven WAS Mr Spock.

    This collection of Look-In ads gives you an idea of the other American series it featured in comic strip form:

    Mostly bionic!

  3. Wow! Star Trek, Sapphire and Steel, Battlestar Galactica and Charlie's Angels! If television still had a line up like that I'd probably never leave the house! Someone posted all of the episodes of Sapphire and Steel on Youtube just incase anyone wants to check them out. The series is a little slow, but I like it and I always felt that its slow pace provided a lot of atmosphere.

  4. Great stuff. I love those painted Look-In covers -- a world away from the photos on the covers of film and TV magazines today. There were quite a few Star Wars ones as I recall, as well as a lot of Six Million Dollar Man & Bionic Woman.

  5. Please tell me that I'm not the only one who sees Bill Murry on that cover.

  6. ^ Back off man-I'm a scientist. lol

    I think that the closest thing that Bill ever did to Sci-Fi was Ghostbusters.

    Say, any chance that this site will cover the 70s version of Ghostbusters? I'm Tracy, He's Eddie. I'm Kong. It wasn't very good, but it does fall into the Space 1970 time frame.

  7. Shatner looks more like the Michael Myers mask there than it ever looked like him.
