Wednesday, July 10, 2013

BUCK ROGERS (1979) Mediascene Cover By Steranko

Issue #34 of Jim Steranko's Mediascene tabloid magazine was a "Science Fiction Preview" issue, with coverage of Space: 1970 favorites Meteor, The Shape Of Things To Come, and... Buck Rogers. Here's a snapshot of Steranko's terrific cover illustration of the heroic Captain Rogers and friends/enemies!


  1. My brother had a collection of these. It got so soft-core porn-y by the end of the run...

  2. Wow what a great cover. Jim Steranko has had such a great career. His involvment with Marvel to the many different publications in the field of science fiction and adventure is vast. I had missed seeing this one before, Buck Rogers-what more can you say.

  3. Hey Christopher: Great artwork, including a publicity pose of Gerard I've never seen and one of Wiseman from the cut Draco scene. Do you have the full article scanned? I know I'd like to read it. Thanks!

  4. I've never seen that before... very cool find!

  5. It's funny how the editor completely missed the Shape of Things to Come/Time After Time HG Wells connection. I would've had to try and tie them together somehow.
    Thanks for sharing this obscure piece of Steranko art.
    Chris B

  6. I love this show, i have just started to watch my box set for the 3rd time. as a kid back in 79-80 i remember playing buck in my kitchen cupboard with my mothers hair dryer and fathers motor bike helmet. Good Times

  7. Mediascene/Prevue was a truly great publication. I have this issue in my collection and it also includes a nice retro-style Buck Rogers centerspread. And the reference photo of Buck used for the cover art can actually be seen within the magazine itself, although the gun he's holding on the cover was added by the artist.

  8. Far beyond the world I've known,/Far beyond my time/What am I, who am I, what will I be?/Where am I going, and what will I see?"

    Every time I hear this song, a tear swells in my eyes....

    Twikki says beedy beedy beedy
