Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Happy Birthday, Stella Star!

This Star Kid wants to wish the lovely Caroline Munro - Stella Star herself - a very joyous and happy birthday today. The interstellar siren of Luigi Cozzi's pulp romp Starcrash (who also portrayed the savage Dia the Beautiful in Kevin Connor's At The Earth's Core, among many other memorable genre roles) turns a youthful 64 today.

Caroline is a personal favorite of mine, and although I've never had the good fortune to meet her, she remains something of a muse to me in my writing. Many of my heroines resemble Ms. Munro, and that's not a coincidence. It's also notable, I think that Caroline was the very first "Space Babe" on this site!


  1. Actually she was born in 1949, so she's 64. (Wikipedia got it wrong.)

  2. Caroline appeared with Roger Moore on a TV talk show here in the UK a couple of months back, to help promote 50 years of Bond. She's grown old gracefully and seemed like very very nice lady too

  3. I just spent a delightful time strolling through your Starcrash posts. This flick is a hoot. I have a vague memory of seeing it in the theater back in the day. It's hard sometimes to sort out these flicks from what I saw in theater (when I went regularly) and what I saw on the early VHS releases, but Starcrash seems to have been one I saw on the big screen.

    Caroline Munro is the fabulous babe of her generation. On that we agree.

    Rip Off

  4. I first saw her in The Golden Voyage of Sinbad, firmly cementing my heterosexuality as a child.

  5. My Fiancé and I met Ms Munro at The Greatest Show In The Galaxy in Peterborough (UK) last May, and she was absolutely delightful - chatty, charming and totally down-to-Earth. She was fascinated by my fiancé’s Welsh name (Rhian) and even took the time to rehearse its spelling on a piece of scrap paper before committing it to our purchased photo. Sadly, she had run out of Stella Star pictures, so we went for a signed copy of her as Naomi from The Spy Who Loved Me. She told us that she had taken a holiday in our home town of Tenby back in the early 1970's, only to leave its beach in tears after trapping her finger in a deck chair! Bless. A very special lady, and a most worthy muse for any artist, Mr. Mills - I commend you!

  6. I met her at the NEC at the first Memorabilia show I went to a couple of years back. She couldn't have been nicer, she spoke warmly with my son and didn't seem at all phased that I was mostly tongue-tied.
